11+ Drama Scholarships
Process | Expectations | Dates

Assessment Process
Candidates for Drama Scholarships will be asked to perform a prepared learnt monologue taken from a scripted piece of drama. This should be chosen to show the candidate’s physical and vocal ability. There will also be a group improvisation and/or work on unprepared material. Candidates will also have an interview with the Director of Drama.
If possible, candidates for Drama Scholarships are encouraged to invite the Director of Drama to watch them in a school production prior to the Scholarship assessment. If this is not possible, however, it will not count in any way against the candidate.

Expectations of Drama Scholars
Drama Scholars are expected to make an active and high quality contribution to Drama productions, either as performers and/or backstage. As they develop through the College, Drama Scholars will be encouraged to take opportunities to direct or produce pupil-led productions.
Please note that LAMDA lessons are optional and the cost of LAMDA lessons are not included as part of a Drama Scholarship. The Director of Drama meets with Drama Scholars regularly to support their development and ensure that the above expectations are being met.
Every scholarship holder is expected to set an example for the other students in their conduct and approach to academic study, to participate in the fuller life of the Senior School through its programme of extra curricular activities, and promote the school as requested at all Open Mornings.